
First Baptist Church has transitioned to new email addresses, please begin to use the following when you need to contact the following Ministry or individual.

The following people have new email addresses:
Person/Ministry                                                   Email Address                                                   Email Status
Pastor, Dr. David Bishop                                            In use
Secretary, Jill Gauldin                                                            In use
Music Director, Penny Wright                                             In use
Women's Ministry, Elaine Wise                                       In use
Children's Ministry,                                                                    Not in use
Media Center/Library, Gloria Thompson                In use
Minister of Students, Micah Haberer                           In use

More email addresses will be issued as the need arises.

          WMU - Week of Prayer
Week of Prayer for North American Missions emphasis will be March 2-9, 2025 and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering will be collected during March and April. Offering goal will be $5000. Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous contributions to support more than 3,000 missionaries and their ministries in the US. and Canada. Theme is "Step into the Story".

We welcome Kerry and Twyla Jackson from Atlanta, Ga., as they come to share their NAMB experiences. They have a very unique missionary story to share as God has blessed them to share their gift of art ministry to proclaim the Gospel. Saturday, March 8, Kerry will sponsor a painting party. Reservations are required for 2 different sessions, 10:00am and 1:00pm. There will be a small fee for painting supplies which Kerry will bring.

          WMU - Mission Moments
We are about our Wednesday Night Missions Groups. We learn about missions, pray for missions and do missions as we learn about Jesus and sharing His love with others. These programs are proven to help children and youth have servant hearts and thy tend to be less selfish and less self-centered as they serve and help others. We appreciate parents and grandparents bringing their children!

           Media Center
In the corner of the Media center/Library by the office door there is a section titled "Book Nook Share". These books, CD's & DVD's are for anyone that are members of our church. You do not have to check them out or return them. Just Enjoy!